Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween 2007

For us, so far, 2007 was the best trick or treating year.

Pickle was just barely three. We spent the morning at Lowes picking up fixtures for our new house. While we were there, we looked at the Christmas decorations. Pickle was, and still is, really into Christmas trees. It was all he could talk about for the rest of the afternoon.

This was the first year Pickle was actually going to go door-to-door trick or treating, and he was so excited. While he was getting dressed up, all he could talk about was all the candy he was going to get and how much he was going to eat when he got home.

On the way to the neighborhood entrance, we practiced what he was supposed to say when the person opened the door.

When we got to the first house, Pickle was too scared to knock, so I knocked for him. This nice old lady answered the door and Pickle said, "Merry Christmas treat!"

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

World's Only Anorexic One Year Old!!!

Yes, that's right, I have the world's only anorexic one year old. I couldn't be happier!

Since Drama was nine months old, we have been trying unsuccessfully to ween her off the bottle. She hates the sippy cup and will not even try to drink out of it. It doesn't matter what it has in it, she is just not interested.

Now that she is one, we are weening her off of the bottle and formula. So far, it is a smashing success!

She cries because she is hungry, so I offer her food. She puts food in her mouth and promptly takes it out and throws it in the floor. I put the food in her mouth and she spits it out again. Then she cries, screams, throws herself down on the ground, and kicks her legs. I am thinking really, temper tantrums already. GREAT!

This morning alone, I offered her 5 different things for breakfast. She tried them all with great enthusiasm.

Monday, October 25, 2010

The NBA Game

The other night, the Husband took Pickle to his first NBA game.


From that statement alone, I knew that the night had gone fantastic. The fact that they were home at 9:30pm told me that I should be glad I stayed at home.

Pickle came in carrying a jumbo foam finger with a frown on his face.

Me: "Did you have fun?"

Pickle: "No. Can I go to bed?"

Husband: "I will never do that again."

Me: "That well, huh?"

Husband: "He whined the enitre time. I can't see. I'm hungry. When are they going to start?"

Pickle: "I couldn't see the people. They were too far away."

Me: "Where were the seats?"

Husband: "There were only three rows behind us. We had a better view of the rafters."

Pickle: "Those seats were awful!"

Me:  "At least the tickets were free."

Husband: "Yea, but I want my money back for parking."

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pastry Chef

I had the bright idea to make pumpkin cupcakes with the kids. I bought a silicone pumpkin cupcake pan that is so cool. I bought orange and green icing and against my better judgment...Halloween sprinkles.

I have dreams of being a pastry chef one day.

Maybe I should look into other careers....


But then again, my second attempt turned out much better.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Life Lesson #10282

Moving with young kids is hard.

I have been packing and moving since Saturday, and I am not even half way there. So far, I have found that there are at least two reasons why this is a bad idea.

The first, and main, reason is kids have so much stuff, especially babies! Drama has her bath tub, rocking chair, play pen, bed, diapers, tons of clothes, not to mention her HUGE toys. With Pickle, I am absolutely amazed at how much one kid can accumulate in just 5 years! He has has so many clothes. This is mostly my fault. (I have a slight addiction to buying cute clothes for my kids. What mom doesn't?)  Don't even get me started on his toys.

The second reason moving with kids is a bad idea is because they want to help. Yes, I know they mean well, and I am truly grateful that I have caring kids who want to help. The problem is, as most parents know, sometimes their help is not exactly help. At first, Pickle didn't want to pack his toys, because he wanted to play with them and because he was a little scared that he would lose them some how in the move. Once he got over this, he started packing the boxes, but the toys never went int he way he wanted. He repacked this one box five times! After the third time, the box ripped down the side and had to be taped. On the fifth time, I distracted him by telling him how great of a job he was doing and asking him to go find more toys. I taped the box shut while he was gone.

Drama wanted to help too. Every time I left a box open and unattended, she took it upon herself to empty the thing at a time.

I used to think that the only reason people hired movers was because they were rich or lazy, know I know it is because they are SMART!

Whose Stability Ball is it???

My husband bought me a stability ball that I had been eyeing for a while now. I was really happy when he brought it kids were happier.

For the first 5 minutes, Pickle thought the foot pump was the coolest thing in the world. He started using the pump with his hands, then he figured out it would be more fun to jump on it with both feet. He quickly figured out that blowing up a ball that big was more of a job then he wanted.

"Here Mom you try"

The next 30 minutes were filled with....Are you done yet? Can I play with it now? How much longer? Can't you go any faster?

When I finally finished blowing it up, Pickle ran and jumped onto the stability ball and promptly fell off the other side. He repeated this over and over until we were all laughing so hard we were hurting.

When he was finished playing, Drama decided it was her turn. At first she was afraid of it...and rightly so considering it is bigger than she is. However, she quickly realized that she could use the ball to walk around the room. This made her squeal with delight! She is now exploring the entire house from a whole new level.

Drama now refuses to let anyone else near it, and I am left wondering....Whose stability ball is it???