Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Carving the Pumpkin

This is the first year we have carved a pumpkin as a family. We thought that Pickle would love it. He could get messy and not get in trouble.

We were wrong.

Pickle drew the face on the pumpkin, including ears. It looked so cute! All he could talk about was putting a candle in his jack o'lantern and see it all lit up.

As soon as Chef cut the pumpkin open, the whining started.

"I am not putting my hand it there."

"I am not touching that nasty stuff."

By the time the top was off, I was ready to throw the pumpkin through the window.

In an effort to convince Pickle that is was fun, I stuck my hand in the pumpkin. When I pulled out a handful of the insides, Pickle said, "That's so gross. I am going to puke!"

Chef tried to convince Pickle to put his hand in the pumpkin with great success. It only cost him $1.

Pickle held his hand in there for about a second before he jerked it out and flung pumpkin everywhere.

Things I learned from this experience:

1.  Smart people carve pumpkins outside.
2.  Pumpkins look just as good when they are painted.
3.  Things you just know your kids will enjoy.....they won't.

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